Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs
How can I get involved in the project?
Hello! Thank you for your interest in the Blue Tree Project, we would love to have you involved! There are a few different ways you can become involved in the project and the wider community. Please click here to see how you can help us spread our message and cause.
I am struggling. What can I do?
I want to host a fundraiser, where do I start?
Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraiser for Blue Tree Project. We have put together a fundraising kit to help you with all of your fundraising needs, ideas and information. Click to download here.
We have raised some money and would like to donate to Blue Tree Project.
Thank you! We really appreciate all the time and efforts taken to raise funds required to help us to continue to spread our important message and kick the stigma around mental health.
There are two ways you can donate to our cause:
- Donation via website (secure paypal gateway) click here to donate.
- My Cause page
- Direct bank transfer (details below)
Name: Blue Tree Project
BSB: 036030
ACC: 205773
Thank you for your support - we really do appreciate it!
Please email if you require a donation receipt.
Where does my money go?
All donations help us to continue to further our mission and cause to build a mentally healthier future in our wider community. Donations help us to fund our organised community painting days and help us to develop events, initiatives and programs to help educate our community about the importance of mental health. Your donations make it possible for us to spread awareness and educate our community to ensure we are equipped with the necessary tools to build a mentally healthier future.
Paint a Tree FAQs
Do I need permission to paint a tree?
You do not require permission from us to paint a tree blue. However, if the dead tree is on council or shire property you will need to request permission for a permit or written consent before painting. Use this letter to contact your local council.
If the tree is on private land (that is not yours) you will need to consult the land owner and ask for permission before painting.
If the desired tree is on your property, you do not need permission from the council before painting.
Please do not paint dead trees in national or protected reserve parks.
What type of tree can I paint?
We are very cautious of the natural habitat and wildlife and therefore request that you do not paint living trees.
We request that you only paint dead trees in alignment with the story behind the original blue tree. Please note that the choice of tree is not a symbol of those lost, we wish to give these trees a ‘new lease on life’.
What type of paint should I use?
With our natural habitat and wildlife in mind we recommend you use non toxic paints. Non toxic paints are made from raw ingredients such as water, plant and oils. We recommend you opt for low- or no-VOC paints.
There are a range of products online and in-store. Please consult your local hardware store for up to date recommendations and the best advice.
Please click to view Wattyl's environmental recommendations here
What colour paint?
Thanks to Wattyl, we now have a branded colour called ‘BLUE TREE’ which makes your colour selection much much easier! This colour is the same as the original blue tree. This specific Wattyl colour was originally called Billie Jean.
Please note you are not required to use the exact colour if you do not wish. We love all blue trees.
Click to view 'Blue Tree' colour here
How much paint will I need?
So you’ve found a tree you want to paint blue and are thinking - how much paint will I need?
If you don’t use all the paint you can always ‘pay it forward’ so someone else can help spread our message.
- Small branches for a vase = tester pot
- Branch cutting put into ground = small tin (1L)
- Small tree = small tin (1L)
- Medium tree = 5L
- Medium – Large Tree = 5-10L
- Large Tree = 10L
- Giant Tree = 10-20L
Please note this is a rough guide - the amount of paint required may vary depending on the individual tree.
What if I can't paint a tree?
There are many ways you can get involved in the project without painting a tree.
Our community have come up with numerous creative ways to champion the message of Blue Tree Project. People have wrapped trees in blue fabric, constructed steel sculptures, painted branches and planted them in pots and some have organised painted murals. View our Blue Tree Alternatives Booklet here to gain some inspiration for your own blue tree!
If our project has touched you but you would rather not paint a tree, you can always donate to helps us spread our message and cause. You could also champion our message through our merchandise.
How do I stay safe whilst painting?
Please ensure all safety measures and precautions are taken when planning a painting day.
We strongly recommend only painting trees from ground level to reduce any risk of injury.
If your chosen tree is quite tall, we recommend using a paint roller stick extension to reach higher trees whilst your feet remain safely on the ground level. If you use a ladder please ensure you take the necessary safety precautions and have one person for stabilisation and one person in charge of supervision (spotter).
If you plan on painting a large tree (access required above ground level) please consult a qualified professional to ensure all equipment and machinery involved is being used safely and correctly.
We advise against painting trees close to roads or on roadsides.
We believe very strongly in safe practices and urge individuals to put their safety first.
I have found a tree but it is still alive...
Please do not paint living trees!
We love our environment and strongly advise against painting living trees. We strongly recommend only painting dead trees as part of our project. Please note our request for only dead trees to be painted is not a symbol of those who have been lost, but in line with the original story. You can read the story behind the original blue tree here.